Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tribute for Paul

Early 2006, I was asked by Gene Crume of Midland Lutheran College to submit a tribute cartoon piece for Paul Norris, creator of the Golden Age comic classing Aquaman. I was deeply honored to say the least. Paul also hand his hand in such classic comics as Secret Agent X - Flash Gordon - Jungle Jim - Brick Bradford - Magnus & Tarzan. I received a letter from Mr. Norris which reads as follows:

Dear David:

This is about two months late, but I want to thank you for the art in which Submariner is set straight. Nice touch for Aquaman. I like your technique. It will find a permanent place on the wall in my den. The den used to be my studio before I got too old to draw cartoons or run out and play golf.

The tribute to me by Midland was a surprise and it made an old man feel happy. I thank you for being part of it.

Best wishes,
Paul Norris

Paul Leroy Norris April 26, 1914 - November 5, 2007

I am still today so deeply honored to have been asked to have played part in that tribute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.